6 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day in Tallahassee

By Cristi McKee | Photo: Markus Spiske

April 22 marks Earth Day, and here in Tallahassee, there are plenty of ways to celebrate! Check them out.

Opt for a walk — For some, taking a drive through the neighborhood may act as an allowed outing for the day during this time of social distancing. Instead, if able, opt to take a walk around the neighborhood. 

Start recycling — Use Earth Day as an opportunity to begin recycling if you currently do not. A full list of what can and cannot be recycled per city of Tallahassee rules can be found, here.

Pick fruit — Many fruit trees and bushes are in full bloom at the moment. Take advantage of this and see if your yard is home to any of them, and if you do not particularly like the fruit, consider offering your the fruit to others who may want to pick it (while keeping 6 ft apart!)

Clean up your yard — Today, if needed, take some time to to rake up dead leaves, trim bushes, and throw away any stray litter that may have gotten into your yard.

Plant a garden — Do you have any flower or vegetable seeds lying around, or are you interested in purchasing some from a local nursery? Consider starting a garden! This can act as a fun family activity or a peaceful outlet.

Start a compost pile — If you do plant a garden, start a compost pile as well so that you can make your own fertilizer for it. Compost any rotten fruit or leaves from the day to get it started, for instance, and keep building it over time.

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